Could ‘Leaky Gut’ Be the Cause of Your Food Allergy?

Our intestines are designed to be impermeable (or resistant) to large protein molecules that our body may mistake as “invaders” and launch an “attack” by producing antibodies, which lead to allergic reactions.

Modern diet, especially wheat products, lifestyle and medications often compromise the permeability & strength of our digestive tract, creating what is known as the “leaky gut” syndrome. When the gut becomes permeable to larger protein molecules, they can get into our bloodstream and trigger an immune response, resulting in symptoms of food allergies.

Here are some strategies to help protect and heal the digestive tract.

Maintain Healthy Gut Flora:

* Increase intake of probiotics, eat foods such as yoghurt, kefir, natto, kimchi and raw sauerkraut.

* Eat fermentable fibers (starches like sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.)

* Avoid antibiotics (or get professional advice on what to take during your course to reduce negative affects), birth control pill and NSAIDs (over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs)

Reduce Inflammation:

* Use herbs such as slippery elm and marshmallow roots, which helps coat and heal the intestinal lining and reduce inflammation

* Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids – supplement at therapeutic dosage, cold water fish, walnuts, and flaxseed to help support the immune system and reduce inflammation (EPA in particular helps reduce inflammation)

Reduce Irritations:

* Avoid refined carbohydrates, including refined sugar – which irritates the intestinal lining

* Avoid alcohol, which is an irritant

* Avoid caffeine, which irritates the gut and dehydrates the body

Positive Lifestyle Changes:

* Reduce stress (try meditation like this one: that is not only free but really works)

* Practice mindful eating

* Chew well

While this list is certainly not exhaustive it should give you hope that there is more that can be done naturally to relieve your digestive problems.

In all cases, your symptoms should be assessed individually by a health professional to rule out other possible causes. Remembering too that it takes time for these things to develop and likewise it takes time for recovery. The old saying that ‘prevention is always better than the cure’ still rings true.

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